
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What ever happened to movies?

I remember back in the day people used to watch movies for entertainment? What ever happened to those days?

Now the only thing I ever hear is "remakes suck and so do sequels".

They wouldn't if you would open up your mind and try watching a movie for what it is meant to be. Just simply entertainment. So what if a sequel isn't as good as the original. Lets look at it this way.

A movie gets rated 8/10. Then lets say the second movie gets a 6/10. Since when does a 6/10 equal a bad movie? I never understood that. You should be going into the movie to be entertained not be be moved to make a new life choice.

Then again, maybe it's just the Internet. I know the Internet is full of retarded douche bags but I wonder how much is simply because it is the Internet.

The Internet is just this giant ball of negativity. All I ever hear is "this sucks" and "that sucks" and then they start talking in this retarded language called "leet". Yeah, it makes them look dumber then a two year old special-ed child.. And that is pretty dumb.

So this was kind of a mixed rant. Oh well.

Try going to see a movie with an open mind next time you see one, try watching it for entertainment. And then when you leave and get online to tell everyone how much it sucked, if you ask nicely I will help pull the trigger to help clean out the gene pool. Yes, I do have some evil in me. It wasn't always like that. It's thanks to working in retail. But that is a whole other story.

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