
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Top Four Of All Time

So, I think most know I loved 300 alot. I even said it is my favorite comic book movie of all time. So that got me thinking what my favorite movies of all time are.

So here they are.

#1 The Land Before Time. (Along with the whole franchise)

This is my top film and top animated film.

It's the first movie I remember seeing when I was little. Every time we went to rent movies this was the same one I choose each time. I loved it still do. Hell one day my Mom came back and I was wondering why the case was in plastic wrap. It's because that was the first movie we ever bought. So not only does it have sentimental value to me but I love it. It's the one movie franchise that has never gone the way of controversy. It simply teaches good moral. If I ever had kids Land Before Time will help raise them. I love it and all the sequels. And this movie eve came out before all the computer animation.

#2 George A. Romero's 1968 Black and White Night Of The Living Dead. (Along with the whole franchise)

Second best film. Best scary movie.

I saw this for the first time a few years ago. I stayed up Halloween night watching scary movie on HBO or Cinemax, some movie channel. This popped on. First though. Black and white? This is going to be a laugh if not put me to sleep. Oh how wrong I was. Not only was it not funny, not only did it not bore me. It scared me. That’s right it scared me. probably still would. And it’s black and white to top it off. I know first hand being born in 84, my generation got spoiled with color and most of us like it and get turned off when it’s not in color. But this was amazing.

I think my generations closest and maybe the closest the world will se in a long time when it comes to quality scary/horror/suspense movie franchises is going to be the Saw franchise. But Romero’s created the Zombie genre.

#3 300.
Best comic book movie of all time and third best movie.

Reason? Simple. I read the comic and it was alright but I wasn’t big on it. I watched the trailer and was amazed. I went into it really hyped but sure I was going to leave disappointed. I loved it the more I thought about it. The second time I saw it I loved it more. It was a beautiful movie that deserves an Oscar for best picture among other things. it won’t get it thanks to a prejudice academy. But what makes this movie even better is the fact that not only is it based on true events. But it’s based on events that we all owe a debt of gratitude toward. Without King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans (Among other help they had) things would look far different. Click here for some thoughts on that part. Or try this link. This one was done by the History Channel.

#4 Ghostbusters (Both can work)

Fourth best movie. Best comedy.

I decided I needed a comedy on the list. I liked two alot, but the ghost granny stealing the baby...hell the baby constantly getting screwed around with scared me as a kid and still does a tad from when I was a kid. But lost of people rank Ghostbusters as the funniest movie of all time and for good reason. When you’re a kid it’s a damn good movie. When you get older you understand alot more of the jokes. Bill Murray kicks ass in it also. Just my kind of character. Sarcastic and a smart ass. Hell all the characters had a bit of that in them.

So their you have it. My top four movies of all time.

And for some respectable movies that are damn good but not on the list.

Lets throw in, in no particular order.

Top Gun, Saw 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Independence Day.

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